
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Role of the parents with gifted children and underachieving

Last Wednesday I attend in parents orientation at little kulit’s school. I will share with you the interesting topic about the Role of the parents with gifted children and underachieving.
According to Wikipedia an UNDERACHIEVER is a person and especially a student who fails to achieve his or her potential.
What are the signs of academic underachiever?
 ♦ Unfinished and missing school work
♦ Disorganization
♦ Excuse or blaming others for problems
♦Too much socializing, or in contrast, loneliness
♦ Declining grades

Causes gifted children to underachiever AT SCHOOL
♦ Lack of challenge
♦Too much or too little competition
♦ Conflicts with teacher
♦ unidentified learning disabilities
♦ Peer pressure
♦ Lack of opportunities to be creative
♦ Lack of structure or too much structure in classroom
♦ Move to a more or less difficult school

Causes gifted children to underachiever AT HOME
♦ Conflict between parents
♦ Over protectiveness by parents.
♦ Over empowerment of children.
♦ Health problem
♦ Sibling rivalry
♦ Feeling of pressure
♦ Too much or too little of attention

Role of parents:
♦ Communications with teachers.
♦ Consult professional help
♦ Avoid conflicts with child’s teacher that may lead to blame the school
♦ Continue to encourage your child’s interest.
♦ Don’t give up on your child
♦ Join a parents support group


  1. Some symptoms of being underachiever shows in my second daughter. We're trying to talk to her as much as possible to know where she's coming from. Thank you for sharing...

    1. your welcome. thank you for dropping by :)
      i hope you daughter will be fine. just don't give up on her :)
