Last Wednesday I attend in parents orientation at little kulit’s school. I will share with you the interesting topic about the Role of the parents with gifted children and underachieving.
According to Wikipedia an UNDERACHIEVER is a person and especially a student who fails to achieve his or her potential.
What are the signs of academic underachiever?
♦ Unfinished and missing school work
♦ Disorganization
♦ Excuse or blaming others for problems
♦Too much socializing, or in contrast, loneliness
♦ Declining grades
♦ Lack of challenge
♦Too much or too little competition
♦ Conflicts with teacher
♦ unidentified learning disabilities
♦ Peer pressure
♦ Lack of opportunities to be creative
♦ Lack of structure or too much structure in classroom
♦ Move to a more or less difficult school
Causes gifted children to underachiever AT HOME
♦ Conflict between parents
♦ Over protectiveness by parents.
♦ Over empowerment of children.
♦ Health problem
♦ Sibling rivalry
♦ Feeling of pressure
♦ Too much or too little of attention
Role of parents:
♦ Communications with teachers.
♦ Consult professional help
♦ Avoid conflicts with child’s teacher that may lead to blame the school
♦ Continue to encourage your child’s interest.
♦ Don’t give up on your child
♦ Join a parents support group